
THE HOGTOWN ham, just ham.

Sometimes I'm unimpressed with the sandwiches I post, or I spend an hour making a sandwich, and just never post it at all. Usually what goes wrong is it just gets overcomplicated, and loses focus. This post is all about simplicity, because appreciating food has very little to do with what goes into making it, it all comes down to whether it satisfies you. And I've been pretty good at applying that nugget of wisdom to life too lately. I don't overthink things too much, and the simple shit is really the best. Making new friends. Asking old friends how their day is going. Spending some time by yourself doing something that makes you happy.

I bought ham from my favourite local spot The Hogtown Cure, for a previous post. It's something they do really well. I mean, they do all their own in-house meats, and there's always this big hunk of ham staring at me from inside the deli case when I'm trying to decide on cheeses. I've said this before, and it's true, but I've never really been the hugest fan of pork stuff, but I just couldn't get this ham out of my mind! I woke up and just HAD to have some. So I rolled out of bed, threw on some warm clothes, and swung by to get some ham. I really only eat meat for the blog, or when I visit the parents, so when I do have it, it's gotta be the good shit. I asked them to slice it thick, and they knew. They know. They really know what's up. Oh, and have I mentioned their ham is delicious?

Somehow, I managed to walk away with 4 slices of ham that cost me $16, but I only needed one slice of ham for this sandwich, 'cause he practically cut me hamsteaks. Which meant I got to enjoy this 3 more times!!!

So yea, there's like, nothing in this sandwich, and it's so perfect.
bread (Queen St Gluten Free Bakery white bean and millet seed)
Hogtown Cure house ham
grainy mustard with maple syrup
organic butter

There's this stuff.

That stuff.

One more angle.

Assmebled. Fried in butter.


Look at those cute little former piggies.

Wee, wee, wee, all the way into this sandwich.



And that was my happy cloudy day breakfast.

Kaffee mit.

Thanks for looking! Have an excellent day you guys.


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