
avocado + cabbage + tamari club

What's up friends? I decided to go out and buy a bunch of really lovely meat at the organic farmers' market last week, and then eat way too much of it all at the same time. What better way than with a classic Club!? But obviously not that classic. Enter tamari + avocado + cabbage + ginger + mint + lime + garlic + chili mayo. Sadly I only got a taste of this sandwich. I was still full from the chicken and egg sandwich made previously, but a hungry friend of mine came by and devoured it. Equally satisfying. Ok, that's a lie, but this was one mountain I was too full to climb.

3 slices of bread. Were you guys as fascinated with double decker sandwiches as a kid as I was? I don't think it took that much to impress me, and maybe their infrequency had something to do with it. If you can do gluten, do it on bigger bread (obvs).

bread (gluten free optional)
organic free run chicken breast (fry it, batter it, whatever, this one was done in gluten free tamari sauce)
organic, pastured pig maple smoked bacon (that's how we roll in Ontario!)
romaine lettuce (gotta keep it classic, right?)
red cabbage (here's where we get interesting)
tamari sauce (this is a gluten-free alternative to soy sauce, which is usually made with wheat)
chilli mayo (ok, so I totally forgot to make this prior to the photo below, but mix up some chillis, or spicy chilli paste with some organic, or homemade mayo)

So cook your chicken/bacon, blah blah. I fried my chicken in organic coconut oil (also not pictured), then added tamari sauce. The bacon is just as is. Bacon doesn't need any help. I then lightly sautéd the cabbage, garlic, and ginger in the residual oil. Chopped the mint, and assembled. Squeeze some lime. You can kind of see the mayo looking kinda unappetizing in the back, but trust, it's what pulls the sandwich together. Three cheers for chilli mayo.

Throw it all together, and hope it maintains structural integrity.

Pretty, no?


Then do what every woodblock tower-making-loving kid does, and pile that shit high! This sandwich even needed a stake. Maybe that's what's so badass about Club sandwiches? 

And an arty shot with some water. This was one for the books. 

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